söndag 16 mars 2014

Utställning - The Road

Nu är min utställning The Road avslutad. Såhär såg den ut:

"The Road. Where does the road even begin? From out of nowhere I found myself on it, heavy blocked roads with obstacles to cross. I traveled as a drifter, no destination or signs of clarity in my mind. The path was already laid out for me, I had no choice but to follow it. I didn't know where I was going or where I would end up. All I knew was that I had to keep going. Slowly the comforts of home went missing, traces of my past faded with every move and my bare hands touched skies. I was on the road as a homeless person, running sporadically away from life I once knew. I couldn't find home, couldn't find that place I belonged to. so I kept being on the road. running, drifting, searching. I took photos along the way. I documented daily habits, strange objects and interesting characters that crossed my path. I captured thoughts arising under silence and collected emotions on my roll of film. Fearless soul-searching was taking its place. it got lonely out there. Chilly. Nowhere to be seen or nowhere to be found. I was on the road and felt the wind pass me by, I touched the earth beneath my feet, and spotted the dark corners of each human mind. I walked for miles until I felt freedom follow my soul into tranquility. Faith was my partner, never a moment did I doubt it would take me further to life's significant truth. It all progressed. See, I never stopped being on the road. Life is my journey. The destination never ends, roadblocks always unfold. Therefore I have my truth tucked tightly to my chest, my expressions exploding inside the camera's lens showing every viewer a reality of what it's like to constantly be on the road. Follow me."

utdrag ur My Secret Road 2014:

Böckerna går att köpa. Mejla mig för info: nadjarenman@gmail.com

Nu fortsätter resan vidare till andra horisonter. Jag har mängder av idéer som jag ser fram emot att kunna genomföra. Känns spännande, men läskigt, att vara en bit på vägen. Får se var man hamnar härnäst.

Au revoir!

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